If people are interested I could probably get a few vets together for an online AMA meetup specifically geared to getting into tech both through the bootcamp and college routes. Now the rub for NSS is that even though they are remote at the moment is they may not prioritize non-Middle Tennessee residents because party of thier mission is to improve the local tech community. My first two jobs were internships, that still paid better than any previous job I had, now I'm on salary with benefits, my wife also attended NSS after I did and was employed very quickly, (smarter than me obviously) and out combined income is about 3x from when we got married 4 years ago. It took me a little longer than average (2 months in 2018) to find a job but I'm not the most talented programmer either and shot myself in the foot at quite a few interviews. They also offer 12 month part time courses. I had just enough left over after college that I got the whole six month course covered. Nashville Software School (NSS) operates as a non-profit and takes GiBill.