Excel onedrive
Excel onedrive

excel onedrive

It’s a short 2-hour Excel class that’s aimed at beginners. “ Excel Essential Training” is my choice for the best Excel course on LinkedIn Learning. While it’s lengthy, it’s more than worth the time commitment if you’re serious about Excel. It’s engaging, comprehensive, and suitable for beginners as well as intermediate users. The quality of instruction is the main reason why this is our pick for best overall Excel course for 2023. The course is available through the Coursera Plus subscription or can be accessed as a standalone course for $49 per month. The assignments are challenging but fun, and the teaching style of Dr. The syllabus of this program is very comprehensive and helps take students from being complete beginners in Excel at the start of the course to power users by the end. This enabled them to develop a course outline that tackled real problem areas.

excel onedrive

To engage learners from the get-go, the instructors interviewed international business leaders and gathered data to find common weak spots in how Excel is often used.

excel onedrive

Led by three highly-rated instructors from Macquarie’s Business School – Nicky Bull, Prof Yvonner Breyer, and Dr Prashan Karunaratne – the course takes around 6 months to finish at 5 hours a week (but possible to finish faster if you prefer), providing learners with a solid understanding of how to use Excel for planning and operations for business management. Coursera’s “ Excel Skills for Business Specialization” is an intensive Excel program from Macquarie University.

Excel onedrive